Susan has written science articles, biology curriculum, nonfiction essays, and book-length manuscripts. For more information, see the Projects page.

Searching for Sand Rubies
Poems of Confusion and Wonder
Susan Matheson, Tangled Excuse Press, 2023
When Susan Matheson found herself living in her hometown of Tucson, Arizona, after decades away, she was surprised by the vivid memories that immediately bubbled up. This collection of poems, her first, contains images from the 1960s and 1970s, including air raid sirens, go-go boots, Latin mass, and kidnap breakfasts. At times contemplative and at times humorous, these poems explore the confusion of growing up and celebrate the wonder of experiencing new things, includ-ing raising children, moving to different cities, and returning home, where one perceives familiar things with fresh eyes.

(Contact author for a complimentary copy.)
© 2013-2025 Susan Matheson. All rights reserved.